曾红亮,男,教授,博士、博士生导师。福建农林大学食品科学与营养健康研究院副院长,教育部工程研究中心(科特派)党支部书记,福建省食品添加剂和配料工业协会理事长,中国食品科学技术学会青年工作委员会第四届委员会委员,中国营养学会理事,福建省营养学学会理事,爱尔兰农业部农业与食品发展局访问学者。入选福建省“雏鹰计划”青年拔尖人才,福建省青年科技奖获得者,福建省自然科学基金杰出青年项目获得者,福建省百千万人才工程省级人选,福建省高校领军青年拔尖人才,福建省高校新世纪优秀人才,第五届福州青年科技奖获得者,福建省优博论文获得者。《Frontiers in Nutrition》、《Foods》、《食品科学》专刊客座主编,《Food and Health》编委,《Journal of Future Foods》、《Food Innovation and Advances》、《食品工业科技》、《Grain & Oil Science and Technology》等期刊青年编委。
1. 闽台特色海洋食品加工及营养健康教育部工程研究中心
2. 福建省特种淀粉品质科学与加工技术重点实验室
3. 福建农林大学食品科学与营养健康研究院
1. 食品碳水化合物与肠道菌群
2. 福建省特种淀粉品质特性研究
3. 海洋生物资源开发与综合利用
1. 食品科学与工程
2. 食品加工与安全
3. 食品工程
1. Huifang Liu, Peng Meng, Yi Zhang, Baodong Zheng, Hongliang Zeng. Complexation of V-type lotus seed starch and butyric acid: Structure and in vitro digestion[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 149, 109527.
2. Jinhan Su, Shuqi He, Suzhen Lei, Keqian Huang, Chuannan Li, Yi Zhang, Hongliang Zeng. Interaction force between laminarin and different crystal starches describes the gelatinization properties[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 147, Part A: 109380.
3. Yingning Yao, Yixin Zheng, Yi Zhang*, Hongliang Zeng*. Pressure-dominated steam explosion for modifying textured soy proteins_ Structure and in vitro digestion kinetics[J]. Food Research International, 2024, 180: 114071.
4. Siqi Yang, Baodong Zheng, Luyao Huang, Yi Zhang*, Hongliang Zeng*. Saltiness perception mechanism and salt reduction strategies in food[J]. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2024, 148: 104521.
5. Hongliang Zeng, Shuqi He, Zixiao Xiong, Jinhan Su, Yanbo Wang, Baodong Zheng, Yi Zhang*. Gut microbiota-metabolic axis insight into the hyperlipidemic effect of lotus seed resistant starch in hyperlipidemic mice[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 314: 120939.
6. Hongliang Zeng, Peilin Chen, Zhiyun Wang, Xiaoke Hu, Yi Zhang*, Baodong Zheng*. Porphyra haitanensis polysaccharides attenuates blood lipid via gut-liver axis in diet-induced high-fat Mesocricetus auratus through multiple integrated omics[J]. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2023, 2200638.
7. Jiachen Liang, Baodong Zheng, Yi Zhang*, Hongliang Zeng*. Food allergy and gut microbiota[J]. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2023, 140: 104141.
8. David Mahoudjro Bodjrenou, Zengjing Huang, Teng Liu, Baodong Zheng*, Hongliang Zeng*. Effects of crosslinking with sodium trimetaphosphate on structural, physicochemical, rheological and in vitro digestibility properties of purple sweet potato starch[J]. Food Research International, 2023, 173, Part 2: 113427.
9. Peilin Chen, Lu Liu, Zirun Cheng, Yi Zhang, Baodong Zheng, Xiaoke Hu*, Hongliang Zeng*. Structure elucidation and in vitro rat intestinal fermentation properties of a novel sulfated glucogalactan from Porphyra haitanensis[J]. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2023, 12(2): 596-606.
10. Suzhen Lei, Shuqi He, Xuan Li, Baodong Zheng, Yi Zhang*, Hongliang Zeng*. Effect of lotus seed resistant starch on small intestinal flora and bile acids in hyperlipidemic rats[J]. Food Chemistry, 2023, 404: 134599.
11. Xin Li, Wei Chen, Jingyi Gao, Wenjie Gao, Yi Zhang, Hongliang Zeng*, Baodong Zheng*. Structural changes of butyrylated lotus seed starch and its impact on the gut microbiota of rat in vitro fermentation[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023, 139: 108501.
12. Hongliang Zeng, Yeye Jian, Yong Xie, Qunyan Fan, Qing Chang, Baodong Zheng, Yi Zhang. Edible bird’s nest inhibits the inflammation and regulates the immunological balance of lung injury mice by SO2[J]. Food Frontiers, 2022, 1–12.
13. Zhiyun Wang, Yan Lin, Lu Liu, Baodong Zheng, Yi Zhang, and Hongliang Zeng*. Effect of Lotus seed resistant starch on lactic acid conversion to butyric acid fermented by rat fecal microbiota[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70 (5): 1525-1535.
14. Suzhen Lei, Lu Liu, Peiyu Yue, Baodong Zheng, Yi Zhang*, Hongliang Zeng*. Lotus seed resistant starch decreases the blood lipid and regulates the serum bile acids profiles in hyperlipidemic rats[J]. Journal of Functional Foods, 2022, 92: 105040.
15. Xin Li, Wei Chen, David Mahoudjro Bodjrenou, Meihua Huang, Yi Zhang, Baodong Zheng*, Hongliang Zeng*. Properties of butyrylated lotus seed starch with butyryl groups at different carbon positions[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 294: 119766.
16. Peilin Chen, Suzhen Lei, Mingyao Tong, Qing Chang, Baodong Zheng, Yi Zhang, Hongliang Zeng*. Effect of polysaccharide fractions from Fortunella margarita on the fecal microbiota of mice and SCFA production in vitro[J]. Food Science and Human Wellness, 2022, 11(1): 97-108.
17. Yixin Zheng, Chong Zhang, Yuting Tian, Yi Zhang, Baodong Zheng, Hongliang Zeng*, Shaoxiao Zeng*. Effects of freeze-thaw pretreatment on the structural properties and digestibility of lotus seed starch-glycerin monostearin complexes[J]. Food Chemistry, 2021:129231.
18. Lu Liu, Yongjie Lin, Suzhen Lei, Yi Zhang, and Hongliang Zeng*. Synergistic effects of lotus seed resistant starch and sodium lactate on hypolipidemic function and serum nontargeted metabolites in hyperlipidemic rats[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69 (48): 14580-14592.
19. Mingjing Zheng, Yan Lin, Hongqiang Wu, Shaoxiao Zeng, Baodong Zheng, Yi Zhang*, Hongliang Zeng*. Water migration depicts the effect of hydrocolloids on the structural and textural properties of lotus seed starch[J]. Food Chemistry, 2020, 315: 126240.
20. Yixin Zheng, Zebin Guo, Baodong Zheng, Shaoxiao Zeng*, Hongliang Zeng*. Insight into the formation mechanism of lotus seed starch-lecithin complexes by dynamic high-pressure homogenization[J]. Food Chemistry, 2020, 315: 126245.
2、曾红亮、陈培琳、张怡、郑宝东、常青、徐晖,一种具有降血脂功效的坛紫菜多糖和坛紫菜多糖泡腾片及制备方法,ZL 202211180853.9
E-mail: zhlfst@163.com, zhlfst@fafu.edu.cn